Make your home an extravagant retreat and enjoy the luxuries of a 5-star hotel at your home. Innovation and Automation (I&A) brings you the smart technology to break you free from the conventional routine. The wireless powered shades and blinds will now rise and fall at your command. Even if you don't command, the shades are smart enough to act automatically according to the hour of the day. It remembers your daily routine and makes your life vibrant and gracious.

Let's raise the curtains to some of the remarkable features:

Noiseless Motor Operation :Your house or office would be equipped with the latest available technology that would be working in the background. You won’t hear a grinding noise while the shades are at work. The motors administering the shades would communicate noiselessly with one another.

Precise Light Balance :The automated shades would block the excessive sunlight that could harm your furnishing or affect the room temperature. You can set daily and weekly schedules which can be different for all the rooms. In the evening time, you would notice the shades rising automatically. In the night time, the shades would be partially drawn, so that the gleaming moon light can make your room smile with its golden radiance. In the morning, you would see the welcoming sun reaching through the window and wishing you a wonderful day.

Energy Saver :Apart from enhancing the aura of your room, the smart technology acts as a substantial energy saver. The technology is designed to utilize maximum natural light and reduce the energy cost. The automated shades can operate according to the time of day, thereby cutting down the cooling expense in summers. In winters, the shades would draw in the day time allowing the natural heat to enter your room and reducing the heating cost. The shades are smartly programmed to function according to the stroll of the sun.

Security :Have you wondered if the shades and blinds can also add to muscles to the security of your house? Now you can go on long vacations without any worry. You can program the shades to make it seem like someone is at home. This would keep the stalkers at a bay and would prevent a failed attempt to barge in.

Book a free demo now for more information or please enter your details in the contact us field.

The smart technology awaits you!

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